Your Community Center at the Heart of Evesham
Situated in the heart of Evesham, Wallace House offers a diverse program of activities for all ages, from sports and leisure pursuits to educational and support classes, enabling the community to develop and learn new skills.
We have various sized rooms available for hire, at an hourly rate, whether you require a small meeting room or a full sized sports hall. Charities and certain non profit making groups are eligible for a discount of up to 15%. We also have changing rooms and shower facilities. The centre has disabled access too. We are open 9am - 9pm Monday to Thursday, 9am- 5 pm on Friday (Friday Youth Club only 5:30-7:30 pm) and Saturday mornings from 9:30 am-12:30 p.m where you can pop along and enjoy a bacon roll and a cuppa at a very reasonable price!
Our Coffee Bar provides a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to meet friends for a chat. We hold a quality assurance kite mark (keep it safe) for child protection and safeguarding children and are committed to equity and equality for all.
Why not call in and see what we have to offer ?

The idea of Wallace House Community Centre began in 1946. Samuel Wallace Smedley (Smedley Peas) gave Mayor Alderman and the Burgesses of the Borough of Evesham property (42 High Street) as well £10,000 to be used by the people of Evesham. A Trust was set up.
The aim of the Trust was to provide a facility for recreational, social, educational and sporting opportunities, with a particular emphasis on young people. Its purpose was for use of non-political or religious clubs, societies or organisations having athletic, social or educational objectives mainly for the benefit of young people.
The present Community Centre was built in two phases. The area that the Centre was built on was the Oat Street precincts.
Phase 1 - The Oat Street precinct which used to contain the sergeant’s house, offices, charge rooms, cells and other accommodations was demolished and the present Centre built.
In 1969 W.V Smedley, son of the original founder of the Trust opened the new Community Centre. This included the present coffee bar area, upstairs sportshall, lounge and Wally’s Den.
Phase 2 – in 1976 plans for the demolition of the rest of the Old Police station were under way. Thanks to the local firms and individuals contributing towards the cost, the work was finished in 1980. This included the dojo and more rooms.
The Dojo was named after Leslie Bawden who was the vice chair of the development committee, who along with Henry King ( the chair of the development committee) worked hard to raise the funds to develop the old courtyard and cells. Leslie Bawden died in 1980 and his wife opened the Dojo on its completion as a memorial to his work.
In 1990 the Trusteeship set up in 1946 was passed from the County Council to Town Council, once again belonging to the people of Evesham
Over the years the community of Evesham has seen many changes and like the community Wallace House has changed to meet the needs of the people of Evesham.
​Mind offered a support service for people who have mental health issues
Rethink, a service provider to people suffering from mental health issues opened in Wallace House in 2005.
Evesham Day Centre used Wallace House as a community base since 2006.
Wallace House Crew was a project run to meet the needs of gypsy/travellers young people
After School Club offered an affordable after school care for children 5 to 12 years old.
Transitional work funded through extended services enabled young people to gain confidence and new skills to enable a smooth transition from middle school to high school.